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Class describing an Icon font.

Source code in prettyqt\iconprovider\
class IconFont:
    """Class describing an Icon font."""

    prefix: str
    font_path: str
    charmap_path: str
    md5: str
    stylename: str | None = None
    path: pathlib.Path = paths.ICON_FONT_PATH

    def __post_init__(self):
        hash_val = None if SYSTEM_FONTS else self.md5
        id_ = gui.FontDatabase.add_font(self.path / self.font_path, ttf_hash=hash_val)
        loaded_font_families = gui.FontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(id_)
        self.font_id = id_
        self.font_name = loaded_font_families[0]
        with (self.path / self.charmap_path).open("r") as codes:
            self.charmap = json.load(codes, object_hook=hook)

    def __dir__(self):
        icons = [i.replace("-", "_") for i in self.charmap]
        return list(super().__dir__()) + icons

    def __getattr__(self, name: str):
        return f"{self.prefix}.{name.replace('_', '-')}"

    def is_valid(self) -> bool:
        return len(gui.FontDatabase.applicationFontFamilies(self.font_id)) > 0

    def get_font(self, size: float) -> gui.Font:
        font = gui.Font(self.font_name)
        if self.stylename:  # solid style
        return font