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Qt Base Class: QAbstractItemModel

Signature: QAbstractItemModel(self, parent: Optional[PySide6.QtCore.QObject] = None) -> None

Base classes

Name Children Inherits


Class Module Description
ColumnItemModel prettyqt.itemmodels.columnitemmodel
AstModel prettyqt.itemmodels.astmodel
BaseClassTreeModel prettyqt.itemmodels.classtreemodel
ModuleInfoModel prettyqt.itemmodels.moduleinfomodel
TupleTreeModel prettyqt.itemmodels.tupletreemodel
BaseHierarchyModel prettyqt.itemmodels.widgethierarchymodel
MarkdownModel prettyqt.prettyqtmarkdown.markdownmodel
ScrollAreaTocModel prettyqt.custom_widgets.scrollareatocwidget

⋔ Inheritance diagram

graph TD
  1473299893104 --> 1473299686192
  1473299890176 --> 1473299893104
  1473299815024 --> 1473299890176
  140713234304496 --> 1473299815024
  1473289050128 --> 1473299893104
  1473288842240 --> 1473289050128
  1473291690208 --> 1473288842240
  140713234304496 --> 1473291690208

🛈 DocStrings

Bases: AbstractItemModel

TreeModel which is used as a base for most TreeModels implemented.

Tree gets dynamically populated whenever the the indexes get "expanded".

basically, only 2 methods need to be defined in order to build the tree:

def _fetch_object_children(self, TreeModel.TreeItem) -> list[TreeModel.TreeItem]: ...

def _has_children(self, TreeModel.TreeItem) -> bool: ...

Subclasses can override TreeModel.TreeItem if a child TreeItem class should be used for the root.

Source code in prettyqt\itemmodels\
class TreeModel(core.AbstractItemModel):
    """TreeModel which is used as a base for most TreeModels implemented.

    Tree gets dynamically populated whenever the the indexes get "expanded".

    basically, only 2 methods need to be defined in order to build the tree:

    def _fetch_object_children(self, TreeModel.TreeItem) -> list[TreeModel.TreeItem]:

    def _has_children(self, TreeModel.TreeItem) -> bool:

    Subclasses can override TreeModel.TreeItem if a child TreeItem class should be used
    for the root.


    TreeItem = TreeItem

    def __init__(self, obj=None, show_root: bool = True, **kwargs):
        self._root_item = self.TreeItem(obj=obj)
        self._show_root = show_root

    def show_root(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if the inspected node is visible.

        In that case an invisible root node has been added.
        return self._show_root

    def set_root_item(self, obj):
        if self._show_root:
            self._root_item = self.TreeItem(obj=None)
            self._root_item.children_fetched = True
            self.inspected_item = self.TreeItem(obj=obj)
            # root_index = self.index(0, 0)
            # self.fetchMore(self.index(0, 0, root_index))
            # The root itself will be invisible
            self._root_item = self.TreeItem(obj=obj)
            self.inspected_item = self._root_item
            root_index = self.index(0, 0)

    def root_item(self) -> TreeModel.TreeItem:
        return self._root_item

    def data_by_index(self, index: core.ModelIndex) -> TreeModel.TreeItem:
        return index.internalPointer() if index.isValid() else self.root_item

    def index_for_item(
        self, item: TreeModel.TreeItem, column: int = 0
    ) -> core.ModelIndex:
        if item == self.root_item:
            return core.ModelIndex()
        parent = item.parent_item or self.root_item
        if (not parent) or (len(parent.children) == 0):
            return None
        row = parent.children.index(item)
        return self.createIndex(row, column, item)

    def index(
        self, row: int, column: int, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None
    ) -> core.ModelIndex:
        parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
        if not self.hasIndex(row, column, parent):
            return core.ModelIndex()
        parent_item = self.data_by_index(parent)
        child_item = parent_item.children[row]
        return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item)

    def parent(self, index: core.ModelIndex | None = None) -> core.ModelIndex:
        # hacky way to let the case without any arguments get through.
        # not really nice, a proper dispatch library would be better.
        # functools.singledispatchmethod doesnt work here.
        index = index or core.ModelIndex()
        if not index.isValid():
            return core.ModelIndex()

        child_item = self.data_by_index(index)
        parent_item = child_item.parent_item

        if parent_item is None or parent_item == self.root_item:
            return core.ModelIndex()

        return self.createIndex(parent_item.row(), 0, parent_item)

    def rowCount(self, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None) -> int:
        parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
        return 0 if parent.column() > 0 else len(self.data_by_index(parent).children)

    def hasChildren(self, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None) -> int:
        parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
        treeitem = self.data_by_index(parent)
        if self._show_root and treeitem == self._root_item:
            return True
        return self._has_children(treeitem)

    def canFetchMore(self, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None):
        parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
        if parent.column() > 0:
            return 0
            return not self.data_by_index(parent).children_fetched

    def fetchMore(self, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None):
        """Fetch the children given the model index of a parent node.

        Adds the children to the parent.
        parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
        if parent.column() > 0:

        parent_item = self.data_by_index(parent)
        if parent_item.children_fetched:

        tree_items = self._fetch_object_children(parent_item)

        with self.insert_rows(0, len(tree_items) - 1, parent):
            for tree_item in tree_items:
            parent_item.children_fetched = True

    def _fetch_object_children(self, treeitem) -> list[TreeModel.TreeItem]:
        return treeitem.children

    def _has_children(self, treeitem) -> bool:
        return treeitem.has_children

show_root: bool property

Return True if the inspected node is visible.

In that case an invisible root node has been added.

fetchMore(parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None)

Fetch the children given the model index of a parent node.

Adds the children to the parent.

Source code in prettyqt\itemmodels\
def fetchMore(self, parent: core.ModelIndex | None = None):
    """Fetch the children given the model index of a parent node.

    Adds the children to the parent.
    parent = parent or core.ModelIndex()
    if parent.column() > 0:

    parent_item = self.data_by_index(parent)
    if parent_item.children_fetched:

    tree_items = self._fetch_object_children(parent_item)

    with self.insert_rows(0, len(tree_items) - 1, parent):
        for tree_item in tree_items:
        parent_item.children_fetched = True

⌗ Property table

Qt Property Type Doc
objectName QString