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Class Module Description
Object prettyqt.core.object
SocketNotifier prettyqt.core.socketnotifier
SharedMemory prettyqt.core.sharedmemory
SignalMapper prettyqt.core.signalmapper
TimeLine prettyqt.core.timeline
AbstractEventDispatcher prettyqt.core.abstracteventdispatcher
EventLoop prettyqt.core.eventloop
AbstractAnimationMixin prettyqt.core.abstractanimation The base of all animations.
TranslatorMixin prettyqt.core.translator
CoreApplicationMixin prettyqt.core.coreapplication
FileSystemWatcher prettyqt.core.filesystemwatcher
FileSelector prettyqt.core.fileselector
IODeviceMixin prettyqt.core.iodevice
Settings_ prettyqt.core.settings Persistent platform-independent application settings.
Timer prettyqt.core.timer
MimeData prettyqt.core.mimedata
ThreadPool prettyqt.core.threadpool
ItemSelectionModel prettyqt.core.itemselectionmodel
AbstractItemModelMixin prettyqt.core.abstractitemmodel
Library prettyqt.core.library
PluginLoader prettyqt.core.pluginloader
StyleHintsMixin prettyqt.gui.stylehints
Shortcut prettyqt.gui.shortcut
Drag prettyqt.gui.drag
WindowMixin prettyqt.gui.window
Clipboard prettyqt.gui.clipboard Access to the window system clipboard.
InputMethod prettyqt.gui.inputmethod
SessionManager prettyqt.gui.sessionmanager
ValidatorMixin prettyqt.gui.validator
TextDocumentMixin prettyqt.gui.textdocument
PdfWriter prettyqt.gui.pdfwriter
TextObjectMixin prettyqt.gui.textobject
AbstractTextDocumentLayoutMixin prettyqt.gui.abstracttextdocumentlayout
SyntaxHighlighterMixin prettyqt.gui.syntaxhighlighter
UndoStackMixin prettyqt.gui.undostack
UndoGroupMixin prettyqt.gui.undogroup
ActionMixin prettyqt.gui.action
ActionGroup prettyqt.gui.actiongroup
WidgetMixin prettyqt.widgets.widget
GraphicsTransformMixin prettyqt.widgets.graphicstransform
GraphicsObjectMixin prettyqt.widgets.graphicsobject
GraphicsEffectMixin prettyqt.widgets.graphicseffect
GraphicsScene prettyqt.widgets.graphicsscene
Completer prettyqt.widgets.completer
Scroller prettyqt.widgets.scroller Enables kinetic scrolling for any scrolling widget or graphics item.
AbstractItemDelegateMixin prettyqt.widgets.abstractitemdelegate
SystemTrayIcon prettyqt.widgets.systemtrayicon
LayoutMixin prettyqt.widgets.layout
ButtonGroup prettyqt.widgets.buttongroup
DataWidgetMapper prettyqt.widgets.datawidgetmapper
GestureMixin prettyqt.widgets.gesture
BluetoothLocalDevice prettyqt.bluetooth.bluetoothlocaldevice
BluetoothServer prettyqt.bluetooth.bluetoothserver
BluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent prettyqt.bluetooth.bluetoothdevicediscoveryagent
BluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent prettyqt.bluetooth.bluetoothservicediscoveryagent
BarSet prettyqt.charts.barset
BoxSet prettyqt.charts.boxset
CandlestickSet prettyqt.charts.candlestickset
PieSlice prettyqt.charts.pieslice
AbstractAxisMixin prettyqt.charts.abstractaxis
AbstractSeriesMixin prettyqt.charts.abstractseries
PyDesignerTaskMenuExtension prettyqt.designer.pydesignertaskmenuextension
DesignerFormEditorInterface prettyqt.designer.designerformeditorinterface
GeoPositionInfoSourceMixin prettyqt.positioning.geopositioninfosource
GeoSatelliteInfoSource prettyqt.positioning.geosatelliteinfosource
GeoAreaMonitorSource prettyqt.positioning.geoareamonitorsource
GeoCodingManager prettyqt.location.geocodingmanager Support for geocoding operations.
GeoRoutingManager prettyqt.location.georoutingmanager Support for geographic routing operations.
PlaceReplyMixin prettyqt.location.placereply
GeoServiceProvider prettyqt.location.geoserviceprovider
MediaPlayer prettyqt.multimedia.mediaplayer
ScreenCapture prettyqt.multimedia.screencapture
MediaRecorder prettyqt.multimedia.mediarecorder
PdfDocument prettyqt.pdf.pdfdocument
QmlExpression prettyqt.qml.qmlexpression
QmlPropertyMapMixin prettyqt.qml.qmlpropertymap
JSEngineMixin prettyqt.qml.jsengine
QmlComponent prettyqt.qml.qmlcomponent
HelpEngineCoreMixin prettyqt.qthelp.helpenginecore The core functionality of the help system.
HelpSearchEngine prettyqt.qthelp.helpsearchengine
HelpFilterEngine prettyqt.qthelp.helpfilterengine Filtered view of the help contents.
QuickTextDocument prettyqt.quick.quicktextdocument
QuickRenderControl prettyqt.quick.quickrendercontrol
QuickImageResponse prettyqt.quick.quickimageresponse
QuickItemGrabResult prettyqt.quick.quickitemgrabresult Contains the result from QQuickItem::grabToImage().
QuickItemMixin prettyqt.quick.quickitem
AbstractStateMixin prettyqt.statemachine.abstractstate
AbstractTransitionMixin prettyqt.statemachine.abstracttransition
SvgRenderer prettyqt.svg.svgrenderer
TextToSpeech prettyqt.texttospeech.texttospeech
AmbientSound prettyqt.spatialaudio.ambientsound
AudioEngine prettyqt.spatialaudio.audioengine
AudioListener prettyqt.spatialaudio.audiolistener
AudioRoom prettyqt.spatialaudio.audioroom
SpatialSound prettyqt.spatialaudio.spatialsound
WebChannel prettyqt.webchannel.webchannel
WebEngineUrlSchemeHandler prettyqt.webenginecore.webengineurlschemehandler
WebEnginePage prettyqt.webenginecore.webenginepage
WebEngineProfile prettyqt.webenginecore.webengineprofile

â‹” Inheritance diagram

graph TD
  140713234304496 --> 1473299815024

🛈 DocStrings

Source code in prettyqt\core\
class ObjectMixin:
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._eventfilters = set()
        # klass = type(self)
        # if issubclass(klass, core.QObject) and klass not in _properties:
        #     metaobj = core.MetaObject(klass.staticMetaObject)
        #     _properties[klass] = [i.get_name() for i in metaobj.get_properties()]
        #     _signals[klass] = [i.get_name() for i in metaobj.get_signals()]
        new = {}
        if kwargs:
            mapper = self._get_map()
            props = get_properties(type(self))
            signals = get_signals(type(self))
            for k, v in kwargs.items():
                # this allows snake_case naming.
                camel_k = helpers.to_lower_camel(k)
                if camel_k != k and camel_k in kwargs:
                    logger.warning(f"{k} defined twice: {v} / {kwargs[camel_k]}")
                # allow str values instead of enum
                if camel_k in mapper and isinstance(v, str):
                    new[camel_k] = mapper[camel_k][v]
                # allow str values for common icon kwargs
                elif camel_k in {"windowIcon", "icon"} and isinstance(v, str):
                    from prettyqt import iconprovider

                    new[camel_k] = iconprovider.get_icon(v)
                # kwargs which need camel-casing
                elif camel_k in props or camel_k in signals:
                    new[camel_k] = v
                    new[k] = v
        super().__init__(*args, **new)

    def _get_map(self):
        """Can be implemented by subclasses to support str -> Enum conversion.

        To get data from all subclasses, we always fetch _get_map from super(),
        append our own shit and return it.
        return {}

    def __pretty__(
        self, fmt: Callable[[Any], Any], **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
        yield f"{type(self).__name__}("
        yield 1
        for k, v in self.get_properties(only_writable=True).items():
            yield f"{k}={v!r}"
            yield 0
            for ef in self._eventfilters:
                yield f"Eventfilter={ef.__class__.__name__}"
                yield 0
        yield -1
        yield ")"

    # def __repr__(self):  # we already monkeypatch QObject
    #     return get_repr(self, self.objectName())

    def __setstate__(self, state):

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.get_properties()

    def __reduce__(self):
        return type(self), (), self.__getstate__()

    def __getattr__(self, val):
        cameled = helpers.to_lower_camel(val)
        if cameled in dir(self):
            return getattr(self, cameled)
        raise AttributeError(val)

    def installEventFilter(self, filter_: core.QObject | str, **kwargs):
        """Override to also allow setting eventfilters by name."""
        if filter_ in self._eventfilters:
            logger.warning(f"Installing same EventFilter multiple times to {self}.")
        match filter_:
            case core.QObject():
            case str():
                from prettyqt import eventfilters

                Klass = classhelpers.get_class_for_id(
                    eventfilters.BaseEventFilter, filter_
                filter_ = Klass(parent=self, **kwargs)
            case _:
                raise ValueError(filter_)

    def removeEventFilter(self, eventfilter: core.QObject):
        if eventfilter not in self._eventfilters:
            logger.warning("Trying to remove non-installed EventFilter.")

    def add_callback_for_event(
        callback: Callable[[core.QEvent], bool],
        include: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None,
        exclude: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None,
    ) -> eventfilters.EventCatcher:
        """Connect widget events to a callback.

        if include is set, it behaves like a whitelist.
        if exclude is set, it behaves like a blacklist.
        The QEvent is passed to the callback as an argument, and the callback
        needs to return True or False to indicate whether the Event should be filtered.

            callback: Callback to execute when event is triggered
            include: Events to include
            exclude: Events to exclude
        from prettyqt import eventfilters

        eventfilter = eventfilters.EventCatcher(include, exclude, callback, parent=self)
        return eventfilter

    def serialize(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return self.get_properties()
        # dct = {}
        # for klass in reversed(inspect.getmro(type(self))):
        #     if "serialize_fields" in klass.__dict__:
        #         data = klass.serialize_fields(self)  # type: ignore
        #         dct |= data
        # return dct

    def signals_blocked(self):
        """Context manager to temporarily block emitting signals."""
        blocked = self.blockSignals(True)
        yield self

    def signal_blocked(
        self, signal: core.SignalInstance, receiver: Callable | core.SignalInstance
        """Context manager to temporarily disconnect specific signal."""
        yield self

    def properties_set_to(self, **kwargs):
        """Context manager to temporarily set properties to different values."""
        props = {k: for k in kwargs}
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            self.setProperty(k, v)
        yield self
        for k, v in props.items():
            self.setProperty(k, v)

    def to_json(self):
        dct = self.__getstate__()
        for k, v in dct.items():
            if isinstance(v, ObjectMixin):
                dct[k] = v.to_json()
        return dct

    def set_unique_id(self):
        """Set unique objectName."""
        class_name = type(self).__name__
        count = next(counter_dict[class_name])

    def get_qt_base_class(cls) -> type[core.QObject] | None:
        return classhelpers.get_qt_parent_class(cls)

    def get_static_metaobject(cls) -> core.MetaObject:
        return core.MetaObject(cls.staticMetaObject)

    def get_metaobject(self) -> core.MetaObject:
        return core.MetaObject(self.metaObject())

    def find_children(
        typ: type[T] = core.QObject,
        name: str | datatypes.PatternType | None = None,
        recursive: bool = True,
        property_selector: dict[str, datatypes.VariantType | Callable] | None = None,
        only_prettyqt_classes: bool = False,
    ) -> listdelegators.ListDelegator[T]:
        """Find children with given type and name.

        Children can be filtered by passing a property selector dictionary.
        It must contain the property name for keys and either a value which must be set
        or a predicate function which gets the property value as an argument
        and must return True if the child should be included.

            typ: Subclass of QObject (can also be a UnionType)
            name: ObjectName filter. None includes all.
            recursive: whether to search for children recursively.
            property_selector: dict containing PropertyName -> Value/Predicate pairs.
            only_prettyqt_classes: only include objects with prettyqt superpowers.

            list of QObjects
        if isinstance(name, re.Pattern):
            name = core.RegularExpression(name)
        if recursive:
            flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindChildrenRecursively
            flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindDirectChildrenOnly
        match typ:
            case types.UnionType():
                objects = [
                    for t in get_args(typ)
                    for i in self.findChildren(t, name=name, options=flag)
            case type():
                objects = self.findChildren(typ, name=name, options=flag)
            case _:
                raise TypeError(typ)
        if property_selector:
            objects = [
                for o in objects
                for k, v in property_selector.items()
                if (callable(v) and v(
                or (not callable(v) and == v)
        if only_prettyqt_classes:
            objects = [i for i in objects if i.__module__.startswith("prettyqt")]
        return listdelegators.ListDelegator(objects)

    def find_child(
        typ: type[T] = core.QObject,
        name: str | core.QRegularExpression | None = None,
        recursive: bool = True,
    ) -> T | None:
        """Find a child with given type and name."""
        if recursive:
            flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindChildrenRecursively
            flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindDirectChildrenOnly
        match typ:
            case types.UnionType():
                return next(
                    (item for item in self.find_children(typ, name, recursive=recursive)),

            case _:
                return self.findChild(typ, name, flag)  # type: ignore

    def find_parent(
        self, typ: type[T] = core.QObject, name: str | None = None
    ) -> T | None:
        """Find parent with given type or name."""
        node = self
        while node:
            node = node.parent()
            if isinstance(node, typ) and (name is None or node.objectName() == name):
                return node
        return None

    def start_timer(
        interval: int | str,
        timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = "coarse",
    ) -> int | None:
        """Start a timer and return the timer id, to be used in timerEvent."""
        if isinstance(interval, str):
            interval = helpers.parse_time(interval)
        result = self.startTimer(interval, constants.TIMER_TYPE[timer_type])
        return None if result == 0 else result

    def start_callback_timer(
        callback: Callable,
        interval: int | str,
        single_shot: bool = False,
        timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = "coarse",
    ) -> core.Timer:
        """Start timer and execute callback when timeout reached."""
        interval = helpers.parse_time(interval) if isinstance(interval, str) else interval
        timer = core.Timer(
        return timer

    def get_properties(
        include_super: bool = True,
        cast: bool = True,
        only_writable: bool = False,
        only_nonempty: bool = False,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a dictionary containing all properties and their values."""
        metaobj = self.get_metaobject()
        props = metaobj.get_properties(
            include_super=include_super, only_writable=only_writable
        dct = {}
        for i in props:
            if i.get_name() in ["children", "frameShadow", "state"]:
            val =
            if only_nonempty:
                match val:
                    case _ if hasattr(val, "isNull"):
                        include = not val.isNull()
                    case _ if hasattr(val, "isEmpty"):
                        include = not val.isEmpty()
                    case _ if hasattr(val, "isValid"):
                        include = val.isValid()
                    case _:
                        include = bool(val)
                include = True
            if not include:
            dct[] = datatypes.make_serializable(val) if cast else val
        return dct

    def set_properties(self, props: dict[str, Any], include_super: bool = True):
        """Set properties from a dictionary."""
        metaobj = self.get_metaobject()
        metaprops = metaobj.get_properties(include_super=include_super)
        for metaprop in metaprops:
            if (name := in props:
                value = props[name]
                metaprop.write(self, value)

    def get_dynamic_properties(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Get a dictionary with all dynamic properties."""
        return {
            (k :=
            for i in self.dynamicPropertyNames()

    def bind_property(cls, object_name: str, prop_name: str) -> property:
        def getter(self):
            return self.findChild(cls, object_name).property(prop_name)

        def setter(self, value):
            self.findChild(cls, object_name).setProperty(prop_name, value)

        return property(getter, setter)

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    self._eventfilters = set()
    # klass = type(self)
    # if issubclass(klass, core.QObject) and klass not in _properties:
    #     metaobj = core.MetaObject(klass.staticMetaObject)
    #     _properties[klass] = [i.get_name() for i in metaobj.get_properties()]
    #     _signals[klass] = [i.get_name() for i in metaobj.get_signals()]
    new = {}
    if kwargs:
        mapper = self._get_map()
        props = get_properties(type(self))
        signals = get_signals(type(self))
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            # this allows snake_case naming.
            camel_k = helpers.to_lower_camel(k)
            if camel_k != k and camel_k in kwargs:
                logger.warning(f"{k} defined twice: {v} / {kwargs[camel_k]}")
            # allow str values instead of enum
            if camel_k in mapper and isinstance(v, str):
                new[camel_k] = mapper[camel_k][v]
            # allow str values for common icon kwargs
            elif camel_k in {"windowIcon", "icon"} and isinstance(v, str):
                from prettyqt import iconprovider

                new[camel_k] = iconprovider.get_icon(v)
            # kwargs which need camel-casing
            elif camel_k in props or camel_k in signals:
                new[camel_k] = v
                new[k] = v
    super().__init__(*args, **new)

add_callback_for_event(callback: Callable[[core.QEvent], bool], include: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None, exclude: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None) -> eventfilters.EventCatcher

Connect widget events to a callback.

if include is set, it behaves like a whitelist. if exclude is set, it behaves like a blacklist. The QEvent is passed to the callback as an argument, and the callback needs to return True or False to indicate whether the Event should be filtered.


Name Type Description Default
callback Callable[[QEvent], bool]

Callback to execute when event is triggered

include Type | Sequence[Type] | None

Events to include

exclude Type | Sequence[Type] | None

Events to exclude

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def add_callback_for_event(
    callback: Callable[[core.QEvent], bool],
    include: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None,
    exclude: core.QEvent.Type | Sequence[core.QEvent.Type] | None = None,
) -> eventfilters.EventCatcher:
    """Connect widget events to a callback.

    if include is set, it behaves like a whitelist.
    if exclude is set, it behaves like a blacklist.
    The QEvent is passed to the callback as an argument, and the callback
    needs to return True or False to indicate whether the Event should be filtered.

        callback: Callback to execute when event is triggered
        include: Events to include
        exclude: Events to exclude
    from prettyqt import eventfilters

    eventfilter = eventfilters.EventCatcher(include, exclude, callback, parent=self)
    return eventfilter

find_child(typ: type[T] = core.QObject, name: str | core.QRegularExpression | None = None, recursive: bool = True) -> T | None

Find a child with given type and name.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def find_child(
    typ: type[T] = core.QObject,
    name: str | core.QRegularExpression | None = None,
    recursive: bool = True,
) -> T | None:
    """Find a child with given type and name."""
    if recursive:
        flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindChildrenRecursively
        flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindDirectChildrenOnly
    match typ:
        case types.UnionType():
            return next(
                (item for item in self.find_children(typ, name, recursive=recursive)),

        case _:
            return self.findChild(typ, name, flag)  # type: ignore

find_children(typ: type[T] = core.QObject, name: str | datatypes.PatternType | None = None, recursive: bool = True, property_selector: dict[str, datatypes.VariantType | Callable] | None = None, only_prettyqt_classes: bool = False) -> listdelegators.ListDelegator[T]

Find children with given type and name.

Children can be filtered by passing a property selector dictionary. It must contain the property name for keys and either a value which must be set or a predicate function which gets the property value as an argument and must return True if the child should be included.


Name Type Description Default
typ type[T]

Subclass of QObject (can also be a UnionType)

name str | PatternType | None

ObjectName filter. None includes all.

recursive bool

whether to search for children recursively.

property_selector dict[str, VariantType | Callable] | None

dict containing PropertyName -> Value/Predicate pairs.

only_prettyqt_classes bool

only include objects with prettyqt superpowers.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def find_children(
    typ: type[T] = core.QObject,
    name: str | datatypes.PatternType | None = None,
    recursive: bool = True,
    property_selector: dict[str, datatypes.VariantType | Callable] | None = None,
    only_prettyqt_classes: bool = False,
) -> listdelegators.ListDelegator[T]:
    """Find children with given type and name.

    Children can be filtered by passing a property selector dictionary.
    It must contain the property name for keys and either a value which must be set
    or a predicate function which gets the property value as an argument
    and must return True if the child should be included.

        typ: Subclass of QObject (can also be a UnionType)
        name: ObjectName filter. None includes all.
        recursive: whether to search for children recursively.
        property_selector: dict containing PropertyName -> Value/Predicate pairs.
        only_prettyqt_classes: only include objects with prettyqt superpowers.

        list of QObjects
    if isinstance(name, re.Pattern):
        name = core.RegularExpression(name)
    if recursive:
        flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindChildrenRecursively
        flag = constants.FindChildOption.FindDirectChildrenOnly
    match typ:
        case types.UnionType():
            objects = [
                for t in get_args(typ)
                for i in self.findChildren(t, name=name, options=flag)
        case type():
            objects = self.findChildren(typ, name=name, options=flag)
        case _:
            raise TypeError(typ)
    if property_selector:
        objects = [
            for o in objects
            for k, v in property_selector.items()
            if (callable(v) and v(
            or (not callable(v) and == v)
    if only_prettyqt_classes:
        objects = [i for i in objects if i.__module__.startswith("prettyqt")]
    return listdelegators.ListDelegator(objects)

find_parent(typ: type[T] = core.QObject, name: str | None = None) -> T | None

Find parent with given type or name.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def find_parent(
    self, typ: type[T] = core.QObject, name: str | None = None
) -> T | None:
    """Find parent with given type or name."""
    node = self
    while node:
        node = node.parent()
        if isinstance(node, typ) and (name is None or node.objectName() == name):
            return node
    return None

get_dynamic_properties() -> dict[str, Any]

Get a dictionary with all dynamic properties.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def get_dynamic_properties(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a dictionary with all dynamic properties."""
    return {
        (k :=
        for i in self.dynamicPropertyNames()

get_properties(include_super: bool = True, cast: bool = True, only_writable: bool = False, only_nonempty: bool = False) -> dict[str, Any]

Get a dictionary containing all properties and their values.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def get_properties(
    include_super: bool = True,
    cast: bool = True,
    only_writable: bool = False,
    only_nonempty: bool = False,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Get a dictionary containing all properties and their values."""
    metaobj = self.get_metaobject()
    props = metaobj.get_properties(
        include_super=include_super, only_writable=only_writable
    dct = {}
    for i in props:
        if i.get_name() in ["children", "frameShadow", "state"]:
        val =
        if only_nonempty:
            match val:
                case _ if hasattr(val, "isNull"):
                    include = not val.isNull()
                case _ if hasattr(val, "isEmpty"):
                    include = not val.isEmpty()
                case _ if hasattr(val, "isValid"):
                    include = val.isValid()
                case _:
                    include = bool(val)
            include = True
        if not include:
        dct[] = datatypes.make_serializable(val) if cast else val
    return dct

installEventFilter(filter_: core.QObject | str, **kwargs: core.QObject | str)

Override to also allow setting eventfilters by name.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def installEventFilter(self, filter_: core.QObject | str, **kwargs):
    """Override to also allow setting eventfilters by name."""
    if filter_ in self._eventfilters:
        logger.warning(f"Installing same EventFilter multiple times to {self}.")
    match filter_:
        case core.QObject():
        case str():
            from prettyqt import eventfilters

            Klass = classhelpers.get_class_for_id(
                eventfilters.BaseEventFilter, filter_
            filter_ = Klass(parent=self, **kwargs)
        case _:
            raise ValueError(filter_)


Context manager to temporarily set properties to different values.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def properties_set_to(self, **kwargs):
    """Context manager to temporarily set properties to different values."""
    props = {k: for k in kwargs}
    for k, v in kwargs.items():
        self.setProperty(k, v)
    yield self
    for k, v in props.items():
        self.setProperty(k, v)

set_properties(props: dict[str, Any], include_super: bool = True)

Set properties from a dictionary.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def set_properties(self, props: dict[str, Any], include_super: bool = True):
    """Set properties from a dictionary."""
    metaobj = self.get_metaobject()
    metaprops = metaobj.get_properties(include_super=include_super)
    for metaprop in metaprops:
        if (name := in props:
            value = props[name]
            metaprop.write(self, value)


Set unique objectName.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def set_unique_id(self):
    """Set unique objectName."""
    class_name = type(self).__name__
    count = next(counter_dict[class_name])

signal_blocked(signal: core.SignalInstance, receiver: Callable | core.SignalInstance)

Context manager to temporarily disconnect specific signal.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def signal_blocked(
    self, signal: core.SignalInstance, receiver: Callable | core.SignalInstance
    """Context manager to temporarily disconnect specific signal."""
    yield self


Context manager to temporarily block emitting signals.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def signals_blocked(self):
    """Context manager to temporarily block emitting signals."""
    blocked = self.blockSignals(True)
    yield self

start_callback_timer(callback: Callable, interval: int | str, single_shot: bool = False, timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = 'coarse') -> core.Timer

Start timer and execute callback when timeout reached.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def start_callback_timer(
    callback: Callable,
    interval: int | str,
    single_shot: bool = False,
    timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = "coarse",
) -> core.Timer:
    """Start timer and execute callback when timeout reached."""
    interval = helpers.parse_time(interval) if isinstance(interval, str) else interval
    timer = core.Timer(
    return timer

start_timer(interval: int | str, timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = 'coarse') -> int | None

Start a timer and return the timer id, to be used in timerEvent.

Source code in prettyqt\core\
def start_timer(
    interval: int | str,
    timer_type: constants.TimerTypeStr = "coarse",
) -> int | None:
    """Start a timer and return the timer id, to be used in timerEvent."""
    if isinstance(interval, str):
        interval = helpers.parse_time(interval)
    result = self.startTimer(interval, constants.TIMER_TYPE[timer_type])
    return None if result == 0 else result