Qt Base Class: QImage
Signature: QImage(self) -> None
QImage(self, arg__1: str, arg__2: int, arg__3: int, arg__4: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format) -> None
QImage(self, arg__1: str, arg__2: int, arg__3: int, arg__4: int, arg__5: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format) -> None
QImage(self, arg__1: Union[PySide6.QtGui.QImage, str]) -> None
QImage(self, data: bytes, width: int, height: int, bytesPerLine: int, format: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format, cleanupFunction: Optional[Callable] = None, cleanupInfo: Optional[int] = None) -> None
QImage(self, data: bytes, width: int, height: int, format: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format, cleanupFunction: Optional[Callable] = None, cleanupInfo: Optional[int] = None) -> None
QImage(self, fileName: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], format: Optional[bytes] = None) -> None
QImage(self, size: PySide6.QtCore.QSize, format: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format) -> None
QImage(self, width: int, height: int, format: PySide6.QtGui.QImage.Format) -> None
QImage(self, xpm: Iterable) -> None
Base classes
Name |
Children |
Inherits |
SerializeMixin prettyqt.utils.serializemixin
PaintDeviceMixin prettyqt.gui.paintdevice
QImage PySide6.QtGui QImage(self) -> None |
⋔ Inheritance diagram
graph TD
1473299806240 --> 1473245530912
140713234304496 --> 1473299806240
1473245548480 --> 1473245530912
140713234304496 --> 1473245548480
1473299972080 --> 1473245530912
1473300082368 --> 1473299972080
1473291690208 --> 1473300082368
140713234304496 --> 1473291690208
🛈 DocStrings
Bases: SerializeMixin
, PaintDeviceMixin
, QImage
Hardware-independent image representation with direct access to the pixel data.
Source code in prettyqt\gui\
| class Image(serializemixin.SerializeMixin, gui.PaintDeviceMixin, gui.QImage):
"""Hardware-independent image representation with direct access to the pixel data."""
def __setitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int], value):
self.setPixel(index[0], index[1], value)
def __getitem__(self, index: tuple[int, int]) -> int | list[int]:
match index:
case int() as row, int() as col:
return self.pixel(row, col)
case (row, col):
rowcount = self.height()
colcount = self.width()
return [
self.pixel(i, j)
for i, j in helpers.iter_positions(row, col, rowcount, colcount)
case _:
raise TypeError(index)
def from_ndarray(cls, arr) -> Self:
import numpy as np
height, width, bytes_per_component = arr.shape
if arr.dtype in {np.float32, np.float64}:
arr = (255 * arr).round()
arr = arr.astype(np.uint8)
return cls(,
bytes_per_component * width,
def to_ndarray(
self, fmt: FormatStr | gui.QImage.Format = "rgb888", channels: int = 3
import numpy as np
qimage = self.convert_to_format(fmt)
width = qimage.width()
height = qimage.height()
ptr = qimage.constBits()
array = np.array(ptr).reshape(height, width, channels) # Copies the data
return array
def from_pil(cls, image) -> Self:
# from
from PIL import ImageQt
data = ImageQt._toqclass_helper(image)
img = cls(data["data"], data["size"][0], data["size"][1], data["format"])
if data["colortable"]:
img.__data = data["data"]
return img
def for_mimetype(cls, path: os.PathLike) -> Self | None:
"""Try to create an icon from theme using the file mimetype.
return self.mimetype_icon(
path, fallback=':/icons/text-x-python.png')
:param path: file path for which the icon must be created
:param fallback: fallback icon path (qrc or file system)
:returns: QIcon or None if the file mimetype icon could not be found.
path = os.fspath(path)
if mime := mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0]:
icon = mime.replace("/", "-")
# if system.WINDOWS:
# return icons.file()
if cls.hasThemeIcon(icon):
icon = cls(cls.fromTheme(icon))
if not icon.isNull():
return icon
return None # gui.Icon.fromTheme("text-x-generic")
def to_pil(self):
from PIL import Image as PILImage
buffer = core.Buffer(), "PNG")
def invert_pixels(self, invert_alpha: bool = False):
if invert_alpha
else gui.QImage.InvertMode.InvertRgb
def convert_to_format(self, fmt: FormatStr | gui.QImage.Format) -> Self:
return type(self)(self.convertToFormat(FORMAT.get_enum_value(fmt)))
def as_bytes(self) -> bytes:
bits = self.bits()
if bits is None:
return b""
match API:
case "pyqt6":
return bits.asstring(self.sizeInBytes())
case "pyside6":
return bits.tobytes()
for_mimetype(path: os.PathLike) -> Self | None
Try to create an icon from theme using the file mimetype.
return self.mimetype_icon(
path, fallback=':/icons/text-x-python.png')
:param path: file path for which the icon must be created
:param fallback: fallback icon path (qrc or file system)
:returns: QIcon or None if the file mimetype icon could not be found.
Source code in prettyqt\gui\
| @classmethod
def for_mimetype(cls, path: os.PathLike) -> Self | None:
"""Try to create an icon from theme using the file mimetype.
return self.mimetype_icon(
path, fallback=':/icons/text-x-python.png')
:param path: file path for which the icon must be created
:param fallback: fallback icon path (qrc or file system)
:returns: QIcon or None if the file mimetype icon could not be found.
path = os.fspath(path)
if mime := mimetypes.guess_type(path)[0]:
icon = mime.replace("/", "-")
# if system.WINDOWS:
# return icons.file()
if cls.hasThemeIcon(icon):
icon = cls(cls.fromTheme(icon))
if not icon.isNull():
return icon
return None # gui.Icon.fromTheme("text-x-generic")