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Events & Triggers

Events allow agents to respond to external changes and automate actions based on various triggers. LLMling-agent supports different types of triggers that can activate agents automatically.

  • File system changes
  • Webhook calls
  • Incoming emails
  • Time-based triggers
  • User interface actions
  • Function calls (monitor functions using a decorator and get event each time it is called)

Basic Concepts

Events flow through the system in this order:

  1. Event Source detects change
  2. Event Manager processes event
  3. Agent receives and handles event
  4. Optional: Agent forwards event results through connections

Event Types

File Watch Events

Monitor file system changes and trigger agent actions:ä

      - type: "file"
        name: "python_watcher"        # Unique identifier
        enabled: true                 # Can be disabled without removal
        paths: ["src/**/*.py"]        # Glob patterns to watch
        extensions: [".py"]           # Optional file type filter
        ignore_paths:                 # Optional ignore patterns
          - "**/__pycache__"
          - "**/.git"
        recursive: true               # Watch subdirectories
        debounce: 1600               # Minimum ms between triggers

Webhook Events

Listen for HTTP requests:

      - type: "webhook"
        name: "github_webhook"
        enabled: true
        port: 8000
        path: "/github"
        secret: "${WEBHOOK_SECRET}"   # Optional validation secret

Event Configuration

Common Properties

All event types share these base properties:

  - name: "my_trigger"               # Unique identifier
    enabled: true                    # Whether trigger is active
    knowledge:                       # Optional knowledge to load
      paths: ["context/*.md"]        # Files to load as context
      resources:                     # LLMling resources
        - type: "cli"
          command: "git status"
      prompts:                       # Context prompts
        - "Consider this background information..."

Multiple Triggers

Agents can have multiple triggers of different types:

      # Watch for code changes
      - type: "file"
        name: "code_watcher"
        paths: ["src/**/*.py"]
        extensions: [".py"]

      # Listen for GitHub webhooks
      - type: "webhook"
        name: "github_events"
        port: 8000
        path: "/github"

      # Manual review trigger
      - type: "manual"
        name: "review_code"
        prompt: "Review latest changes"

Event Handling

In Configuration

Configure how agents handle events through system prompts:

      - |
        You monitor file changes and analyze their impact.
        When receiving file change events:
        1. Check file type and content
        2. Assess impact of changes
        3. Recommend actions if needed
      - type: "file"
        name: "config_watch"
        paths: ["config/*.yml"]

Event Manager

Each agent has an event manager ( that handles:

  • Event source lifecycle
  • Event processing
  • Callback management
# Access event manager
manager =

# Add custom callback
async def on_event(event: EventData):
    print(f"Event received: {event}")


# Remove callback

Events can be handled in two ways:

  1. Automatic Handling: Events are automatically converted to agent runs using their to_prompt() method
  2. Custom Callbacks: Custom event handlers for more control

Default Handler

By default, events are automatically converted to prompts and passed to the agent:

# Auto-handling is enabled by default
event_manager = EventManager(agent)

# Can be disabled
event_manager.auto_handle = False

# Re-enable
event_manager.auto_handle = True

Custom Event Handlers

Register custom callbacks to handle events:

async def handle_events(event: EventData):
    match event:
        case FileEventData(type="modified", path=p) if p.endswith('.py'):
            await"Python file modified: {p}")
        case WebhookEventData(path="/github"):
            await"GitHub webhook received: {}")

# Register callback

# Remove callback

Callbacks can be both sync or async:

# Sync callback
def sync_handler(event: EventData):
    print(f"Event received: {event}")

# Async callback
async def async_handler(event: EventData):
    await process_event(event)

# Both work

CLI Usage

Run agents in event-watching mode to handle events:

# Start watching with default configuration
llmling-agent watch agents.yml

# With specific log level
llmling-agent watch agents.yml --log-level DEBUG

The agents will: 1. Start monitoring configured event sources 2. Handle events based on their configuration 3. Run until interrupted (Ctrl+C)

Event Data

Each event type provides specific data:


class FileEventData(EventData):
    path: str           # Path to affected file
    type: ChangeType    # "added" | "modified" | "deleted"
    timestamp: datetime # When event occurred
    source: str        # Trigger name


class WebhookEventData(EventData):
    path: str          # Request path
    method: str        # HTTP method
    data: dict        # Request data
    timestamp: datetime
    source: str

Function Monitoring

The EventManager provides two powerful decorators for monitoring function execution and creating periodic tasks:

Track Function Calls

Monitor any function and get events when it's called:

agent = Agent(...)"search_executed")
async def search_docs(query: str) -> list[Doc]:
    results = await search(query)
    return results  # Result becomes event content

# Track with additional metadata
def user_login(username: str) -> bool:
    return auth.login(username)

The decorator: - Creates an event for each function call - Includes function result as event content - Adds timing and error information - Supports both sync and async functions - Can include custom metadata

Poll Functions

Execute functions periodically and handle their results as events:

agent = Agent(...)

# Check every hour"system_stats", hours=1)
async def check_system() -> SystemInfo:
    stats = await get_system_stats()
    return stats

# Check every 30 minutes with metadata
    metadata={"critical": True}
def check_database() -> DBStatus:
    return db.get_status()

The decorator: - Executes function at specified intervals - Converts results to events - Handles both sync and async functions - Can include custom metadata - Supports flexible time intervals

Common Patterns

Code Review Automation

      - type: "file"
        name: "pr_watch"
        paths: ["src/**/*.py"]
      - "You review Python code changes and provide feedback."

Configuration Monitor

      - type: "file"
        name: "config_watch"
        paths: ["config/*.yml"]
        debounce: 5000  # 5 second delay

Mixed Handling

# Custom handling for specific cases
async def special_handler(event: EventData):
    if isinstance(event, FileEventData) and event.path.endswith('.secret'):
        await handle_secret_file(event.path)

# Register custom handler but keep auto-handling
# Auto-handling will still process other events