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Expert Selection with pick() and pick_multiple()

This example demonstrates LLMling-agent's type-safe selection methods:

  • Using pick() for single expert selection
  • Using pick_multiple() for team selection
  • Type-safe results with reasoning
  • Team-based agent selection


Our experts.yml defines a coordinator and three specialists:

    model: openai:gpt-4o-mini
      - You select the most suitable expert(s) for each task.

    model: openai:gpt-4o-mini
    description: Expert in SQL optimization and database design.

    model: openai:gpt-4o-mini
    description: Specialist in React and modern web interfaces.

    model: openai:gpt-4o-mini
    description: Expert in penetration testing and security audits.


Here's how we use the selection methods:

from llmling_agent import AgentPool

async def main():
    async with AgentPool[None]("experts.yml") as pool:
        coordinator = pool.get_agent("coordinator")

        # Create team of available experts
        experts = pool.create_team([

        # Single expert selection
        task = "Who should optimize our slow-running SQL queries?"
        pick = await, task=task)
        # Type-safe result: pick.selection is an Agent instance
        assert pick.selection in experts
        print(f"Selected: {} Reason: {pick.reason}")

        # Multiple expert selection
        task = "Who should we assign to create a secure login page?"
        multi_pick = await
        # Also type-safe: selections is list[Agent]
        selected = ", ".join( for e in multi_pick.selections)
        print(f"Selected: {selected} Reason: {multi_pick.reason}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import asyncio

How It Works

  1. Single Selection (pick):
  2. Takes a team of agents and a task description
  3. Returns a single expert with reasoning
  4. Result is type-safe: Pick[Agent]

  5. Multiple Selection (pick_multiple):

  6. Takes same inputs plus min/max picks
  7. Returns multiple experts with reasoning
  8. Result is type-safe: MultiPick[Agent]

Example Output:

Selected: database_expert
Reason: The task specifically involves SQL query optimization, which is the database expert's primary specialty.

Selected: frontend_dev, security_expert
Reason: Creating a secure login page requires both frontend expertise for the user interface and security expertise for proper authentication implementation.

This demonstrates:

  • Type-safe agent selection
  • Reasoned decision-making
  • Team-based operations
  • Flexible expert allocation