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MCP Server Integration Example

This example demonstrates how to use MCP (Model Control Protocol) servers with agents to explore git commit history. It shows: - Setting up agents with MCP servers - Communication between agents using MCP tools - Handling of commit information in a structured way


Here's how we set up the commit analysis workflow:

from llmling_agent import Agent

# Create agents with MCP server access
picker = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are a specialist in looking up git commits using your tools from the current working directory.",
    mcp_servers=["uvx mcp-server-git"]

analyzer = Agent(
    system_prompt="You are an expert in retrieving and returning information about a specific commit from the current working directoy.",
    mcp_servers=["uvx mcp-server-git"]

# Connect picker to analyzer
picker >> analyzer

# Register message handlers to see the messages
picker.message_sent.connect(lambda msg: print(msg.format()))
analyzer.message_sent.connect(lambda msg: print(msg.format()))

async def main():
    # For MCP servers, we need async context
    async with picker, analyzer:
        # Start the chain by asking picker for the latest commit
        await"Get the latest commit hash!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import anyio

How It Works

  1. Two agents are set up with access to a Git MCP server:

  2. picker: Specialized in finding commits

  3. analyzer: Specialized in analyzing commit details

  4. The agents are connected using >> operator, so the picker's output flows to the analyzer

  5. Message handlers are registered to display the conversation

  6. When run, the workflow:

  7. Picker finds the latest commit hash

  8. Automatically forwards to analyzer
  9. Analyzer provides detailed commit information

Example Output:

CommitPicker: The latest commit hash is **9bcd7718dbc33f16239d0522ca677ed75bac997b**.

CommitAnalyzer: The latest commit with hash **9bcd7718dbc33f16239d0522ca677ed75bac997b**
includes the following details:

- **Author:** Philipp Temminghoff
- **Date:** January 20, 2024, at 01:59:43 (local time)
- **Commit Message:** chore: docs

### Changes made:

This demonstrates:

  • MCP server integration for Git operations
  • Agent chaining with automatic message forwarding
  • Structured commit analysis workflow
  • Async contexts for proper server handling