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Storage Configuration

The storage configuration defines how agent interactions, messages, and tool usage are logged. It's defined at the root level of the manifest.

Basic Structure

  # List of storage providers
    - type: "sql"  # SQL database (default)
      url: "sqlite:///history.db"
      pool_size: 5
      auto_migration: true
      agents: ["planner", "executor"]  # Only log these agents
      log_messages: true
      log_conversations: true
      log_tool_calls: true
      log_commands: true
      log_context: true

  # Global agent filtering
  agents: ["planner", "executor", "analyzer"]  # Global agent filter
  filter_mode: "and"  # How to combine filters: "and" | "override"

  # Default provider for history queries
  default_provider: "sql"

  # Global logging flags (apply to all providers)
  log_messages: true      # Log all messages
  log_conversations: true # Log conversation metadata
  log_tool_calls: true   # Log tool executions
  log_commands: true     # Log command executions
  log_context: true      # Log context additions

Agent Filtering

You can filter which agents get logged at both global and provider levels:

  # Global filter - affects all providers
  agents: ["planner", "executor", "analyzer"]

  # How filters are combined:
  filter_mode: "and"     # Both filters must allow the agent
  # filter_mode: "override" # Provider filter overrides global if set

    - type: "sql"
      url: "sqlite:///history.db"
      agents: ["planner", "executor"]  # Provider-specific filter

With filter_mode: "and":

  • An agent must be allowed by both global AND provider filters
  • If either filter is None, only the other filter applies
  • If both are None, all agents are logged

With filter_mode: "override":

  • Provider filter takes precedence if set
  • Falls back to global filter if provider filter is None
  • If both are None, all agents are logged

Available Providers

SQL Storage (Default)

Uses SQLModel for database storage. Supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc.

    - type: "sql"
      url: "sqlite:///history.db"  # Database URL
      pool_size: 5  # Connection pool size
      auto_migration: true  # Automatically add missing columns
      agents: ["planner", "executor"]  # Agent filter
      # Logging flags (override global)
      log_messages: true
      log_conversations: true
      log_tool_calls: true
      log_commands: true
      log_context: true

Text Log Templates

The text log provider supports customizable Jinja2 templates. You can either use predefined formats or provide your own template file.

    - type: "text_file"
      path: "logs/chat.log"
      # Use predefined template:
      format: "chronological"  # or "conversations"
      # Or use custom template:
      template: "templates/custom.j2"

Available Templates

Two predefined formats are available:

  1. chronological: All events in chronological order
  2. conversations: Grouped by conversation with commands at the end

Custom Templates

You can create custom templates with access to these variables:

Entry Types and Fields

Each entry has a type field and type-specific data:

# Message entry
    "type": "message",
    "timestamp": datetime,
    "conversation_id": str,
    "content": str,
    "role": str,
    "name": str | None,
    "model": str | None,
    "cost_info": {
        "token_usage": {
            "total": int,
            "prompt": int,
            "completion": int
        "total_cost": float
    "response_time": float | None,
    "forwarded_from": list[str] | None

# Conversation start entry
    "type": "conversation_start",
    "timestamp": datetime,
    "conversation_id": str,
    "agent_name": str

# Tool call entry
    "type": "tool_call",
    "timestamp": datetime,
    "conversation_id": str,
    "message_id": str,
    "tool_name": str,
    "args": dict[str, Any],
    "result": Any

# Command entry
    "type": "command",
    "timestamp": datetime,
    "agent_name": str,
    "session_id": str,
    "command": str,
    "context_type": str | None,
    "metadata": dict[str, Any] | None
Refer to the source for the details, an in-depth explanation will follow.

File Storage

Stores data in structured files (JSON, YAML, etc.).

    - type: "file"
      path: "data/history.json"  # Storage file path
      format: "auto"  # "auto" | "json" | "yaml" | "toml" | "ini"
      encoding: "utf-8"  # File encoding
      agents: ["planner"]  # Agent filter
      # Logging flags
      log_messages: true
      log_conversations: true
      log_tool_calls: true
      log_commands: true
      log_context: true

Memory Storage

In-memory storage for testing.

    - type: "memory"  # No additional configuration needed
      agents: null  # Log all agents
      # Logging flags
      log_messages: true
      log_conversations: true
      log_tool_calls: true
      log_commands: true
      log_context: true

Multiple Providers

You can use multiple providers simultaneously, each with their own filtering:

  # Global settings
  agents: ["planner", "executor", "analyzer"]
  filter_mode: "and"
  log_messages: true
  log_conversations: true
  log_commands: true
  log_context: true
  default_provider: "sql"

    - type: "sql"  # Primary storage in database
      url: "sqlite:///history.db"
      agents: ["planner", "executor"]  # Only execution pipeline

    - type: "text_file"  # Analysis logs
      path: "logs/analysis.log"
      agents: ["analyzer"]  # Only analysis pipeline
      format: "chronological"

    - type: "file"  # Complete history
      path: "data/history.json"
      agents: null  # Log everything

Provider Selection

When loading history, providers are selected in this order:

  1. Explicitly specified preferred provider
  2. Default provider if configured in default_provider
  3. First capable provider in the list
  4. Raises error if no capable provider found

Logging Flags

All logging flags can be set both globally and per provider:

  • log_messages: Log all messages exchanged
  • log_conversations: Log conversation metadata
  • log_tool_calls: Log tool executions and results
  • log_commands: Log command executions
  • log_context: Log context additions and changes

Provider flags are combined with global flags using AND logic:

  log_messages: true     # Global setting
    - type: "sql"
      log_messages: true # Must also be true here to log messages


  • Individual provider settings are combined with global settings
  • SQL provider is recommended for production use
  • Memory provider is useful for testing
  • Text logs are good for debugging and monitoring
  • File storage is suitable for simple deployments
  • Agent filtering allows splitting logs across different providers