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Subnav page 2

Code for this page

def create_static_page(nav: mknav.MkNav):
    pass  # statically loaded page, nothing to see here

Finally a break to write some regular markdown!

What is MkNodes

  • Markdown objectified. A complete MkDocs project can be built by attaching nodes to a tree. Nodes range from atomic Markdown elements up to composed templates.

  • A parametrized Webpage. Because the tree only gets evaluted when it is written, it can basically behave like a template. Changing the project connected to the tree also changes the content of Nodes which pull metadata from the project.

  • MkNodes is aligned to the popular MkDocs/MkDocstrings/MkDocs for Material/PyMDown documentation stack for python. Other themes work probably, too, but are not tested.

  • It is not a parser. The only things that get parsed are files and the Markdown page metadata, for the rest it´s a one-way street: Python-objects -> Markdown.

Why MkNodes?

  • Because it´s fun! Especially for people who dont like working with Markdown, this library enables to build great documentation webpages without writing a single line of markdown, and without having to deal with the actual Directory structure at all.

  • Dead simple API: Basically all that is needed is initializing nodes and appending them to the tree (by using +=. All nodes are available from the mknodes namespace.

  • Because it´s reusable. Large parts of the documentation can be written in a project-agnostic way (because the nodes are populated with metadata dynamically).

  • Especially generating more complex, nested Markdown is much more comfortable.

Page info
          markdown_extensions={'attr_list': {},
                               'md_in_html': {},
                               'pymdownx.emoji': {'emoji_generator': <function to_svg at 0x7f86bc0ecc20>,
                                                  'emoji_index': <function twemoji at 0x7f86bc0ecae0>},
                               'pymdownx.magiclink': {'repo': 'mknodes',
                                                      'repo_url_shorthand': True,
                                                      'user': 'phil65'}},
  source_filename: /home/runner/work/mknodes/mknodes/mknodes/navs/
  source_function: str2node
  source_line_no: 76
hide: toc
template: SUMMARY.html
title: Subnav page 2