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Using decorators

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"""MkNodes routing example.

MkNodes also supports setting up Navs via decorators.

import mknodes as mk

NAV_TEXT = """You can also use decorators to attach MkNavs. These navs then can continue
to build the tree without using decorators (by adding sub-navs).

nav = mk.MkNav("Using decorators")"Routed page")
def routed_page(page: mk.MkPage):
    """Builds a MkPage and attaches it to the router MkNav."""
    page += mk.MkAdmonition("I'm a page added via decorators!")"Routed", "Deeply", "Nested", "Nested page")
def routed_nested_page(page: mk.MkPage):
    """Builds a nested MkPage and attaches it to the router MkNav."""
    page += mk.MkAdmonition("I'm a nested page added via decorators!")

@nav.route.nav("Routed", "Deeply", "Nested", "Nav")
def routed_nav(nav: mk.MkNav):
    """Builds a nested MkNav and attaches it to the router MkNav."""
    index_page = nav.add_page(is_index=True)
    index_page += mk.MkAdmonition(NAV_TEXT)
    page = nav.add_page("Routed section page")
    page += mk.MkAdmonition("Routed section page content")

MkNav.route Docstrings

Class used for MkNav decorator routing.


__call__(*path: str) -> Callable[[NavSubTypeCallable], Any]

Decorator method to use for routing.

The decorated functions need to return either a MkPage or an MkNav. They will get registered to the router-MkNav then.

In comparison to page() and nav(), it is not required to know in advance what will be returned.


Name Type Description Default
path str

The section path for the returned MkNav / MkPage



__init__(nav: MkNav)



Name Type Description Default
nav MkNav

MkNav to use for routing



nav(*path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[NavCallable], Any]

Decorator method to use for routing Navs.

The decorated functions will get passed an MkNav as an argument which can be modified then. They will get registered to the router-MkNav afterwards.

There is also the possibility to create a new MkNav and return it in the decorated method, that MkNav takes preference then over the modified one.


@nav.route.nav("Routed nav")
def _(nav: mk.MkNav):
    nav += ...


Name Type Description Default
path str

The section path for the returned MkNav

kwargs Any

Keyword arguments passed to the MkNav constructor.



page(*path: str, **kwargs: Any) -> PageDecorator

Decorator method to use for routing Pages.

The decorated functions will get passed an MkPage as an argument which can be modified then. The resulting page will get registered to the router-MkNav afterwards.

There is also the possibility to create a new MkPage and return it in the decorated method, that MkPage takes preference then over the modified one.

The keyword arguments can be used to pass metadata-related keyword arguments to the MkPage constructor.

Examples:"Routed page", icon=...)
def _(page: mk.MkPage):
    page += ...

Args: path: The section path for the returned MkPage kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the MkPage constructor.

Page info
Code for this section
def _(nav: mk.MkNav):
    page = routing.nav.add_page(is_index=True, icon="material/call-split", hide="toc")
    page += mk.MkCode.for_file(routing.__file__, header="Code for this section")
    page += mk.MkDocStrings(navrouter.NavRouter, header="MkNav.route Docstrings")
    return routing.nav
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title: Using decorators