Context propagation
Context propagation¶
MkNodes which are part of the node tree can have a context attached. If this is the case, the context gets propagated to all children of given node.
The most common case is to have one single context for one website. That context usually contains information about the package you want to document. It is set automatically for the root nav.
def build(project):
root = project.get_root()
assert root.ctx.metadata.distribution_name == "mknodes"
Once a node has access to the context, that context will become injected into the jinja2 namespace of given node.
@nav.route_page("My page")
def _(page):
node = mk.MkText(">=3.12", render_jinja=True)
assert str(node) == "" # not connected to any context, so returns empty string
page += node # Add node to the nav and allow accessing its context (assuming that nav is connected to root nav).
assert str(node) != "" # this now returns the required python version for the context.
Some nodes will also show the context metadata by default if no other data is explicitely set.
@nav.route_page("My page")
def _(page):
node = MkLicense()
assert str(node) == "" # not connected to any context, so returns empty string
page += node # Add MkLicense to the nav and allow accessing its context (assuming that nav is connected to root nav).
assert str(node) != "" # this now returns the license text for the context.
The following graph illustrates how the context propagation works. Any element from the tree can be attached to a context, no matter whether it is a nav, a page or any other node.
style 437499 fill:#0000AA
style 553415 fill:#0000AA
style 618757 fill:#660000
style 683622 fill:#660000
style 332511 fill:#9f00df
style 893065 fill:#9f00df
714252["MkNav"] --- 463152["MkPage"]
553415[("Project X")] --- 714252
618757[("Project Y")] --- 471096["Root MkNav"]
471096 --- 714252
332511[("Project Z")] --- 463152
subgraph 683622["Context Y"]
310485["MkNav"] --- 831529["MkPage"]
831529 --- 412394["MkNode"]
831529 --- 591080["..."]
167774["MkPage"] --- 512291["MkNode"]
167774 --- 545444["..."]
471096 --- 310485
471096 --- 167774
subgraph 437499["Context X"]
103229["MkPage"] --- 601764["MkNode"]
103229 --- 769363["..."]
714252 --- 103229
subgraph 893065["Context Z"]
463152 --- 920059["MkNode"]
463152 --- 503161["..."]
920059 --- 645054["MkNode"]
920059 --- 549467["..."]
Page info
Code for this page
markdown_extensions={'attr_list': {},
'md_in_html': {},
'pymdownx.emoji': {'emoji_generator': <function to_svg at 0x7f442658d4e0>,
'emoji_index': <function twemoji at 0x7f442658d3a0>},
'pymdownx.magiclink': {'repo': 'mknodes',
'repo_url_shorthand': True,
'user': 'phil65'}},