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Information about a package.

author_email class-attribute instance-attribute

author_email: str = ''

A description for the distribution [Metadata]

author_name class-attribute instance-attribute

author_name: str = ''

The author name of the distribution [Metadata]

authors class-attribute instance-attribute

authors: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)

All authors of the distribution [Metadata]

build_system class-attribute instance-attribute

build_system: BuildSystem = field(default_factory=lambda: hatch)

The build system set as build backend [pyproject]

classifier_map class-attribute instance-attribute

classifier_map: dict[str, list[str]] = field(default_factory=dict)

Distribution classifiers, sorted by category [Metadata]

classifiers class-attribute instance-attribute

classifiers: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)

Distribution classifiers [Metadata]

cli class-attribute instance-attribute

cli: str | None = None

The cli package name used by the distribution.

cli_info class-attribute instance-attribute

cli_info: CommandInfo | None = None

An object containing information about all cli commands.

commit_types class-attribute instance-attribute

commit_types: list[CommitTypeStr] = field(default_factory=list)

Commit types defined in pyproject mknodes section [pyproject]

configured_build_systems class-attribute instance-attribute

configured_build_systems: list[Any] = field(default_factory=list)

A list of build systems which are configured in pyproject [pyproject]

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description: str = ''

A description for the distribution [Metadata]

distribution_name class-attribute instance-attribute

distribution_name: str = ''

The name of the distribution [Metadata]

docstring_style class-attribute instance-attribute

docstring_style: str | None = None

The style used for DocStrings.

entry_points class-attribute instance-attribute

entry_points: ModuleEntryPointRegistry = field(default_factory=ModuleEntryPointRegistry)

A dictionary containing the entry points of the distribution.

extras class-attribute instance-attribute

extras: dict[str, PackageExtra] = field(default_factory=dict)

The extras of the distribution.

griffe_module class-attribute instance-attribute

griffe_module: Module | Alias | None = None

The module object itself.

homepage class-attribute instance-attribute

homepage: str = ''

The main website of the distribution.

inventory_url class-attribute instance-attribute

inventory_url: str | None = ''

A best guess for an inventory URL for the package.

keywords class-attribute instance-attribute

keywords: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)

Distribution keywords [Metadata]

license_name class-attribute instance-attribute

license_name: str | None = ''

Name of the license

license_text class-attribute instance-attribute

license_text: str | None = ''

The complete license text

line_length class-attribute instance-attribute

line_length: int | None = None

The line length, if defined by any popular tool [pyproject]

mkdocs_config class-attribute instance-attribute

mkdocs_config: MkDocsConfigFile | None = None

A dict-like File containing the MkDocs config.

module class-attribute instance-attribute

module: ModuleType | None = None

The module object itself.

package_repos class-attribute instance-attribute

package_repos: list[InstallMethod] = field(default_factory=list)

Package repositories the distribution is distributed on. Defined in pyproject mknodes section [pyproject]

pretty_name class-attribute instance-attribute

pretty_name: str = ''

A pretty name for the distribution (like MkNodes) [MkDocs site name]

pyproject_file class-attribute instance-attribute

pyproject_file: PyProject = field(default_factory=PyProject)

A dict-like File containing the PyProject data.

repository_name class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_name: str = ''

The repository name of the distribution.

repository_path class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_path: Path = field(default_factory=Path)

The path to the local git repository.

repository_url class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_url: str = ''

The URL to the remote code repository.

repository_username class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_username: str = ''

The username for the remote code repository.

required_package_names class-attribute instance-attribute

required_package_names: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)

The names of the dependencies.

required_packages class-attribute instance-attribute

required_packages: dict[PackageInfo, Dependency] = field(default_factory=dict)

PackageInfos for the dependencies.

required_python_version class-attribute instance-attribute

required_python_version: str | None = ''

The required python version for the distribution [Metadata]

social_info class-attribute instance-attribute

social_info: list[dict[str, str]] = field(default_factory=list)

A icon-name -> URL dictionary containing .

summary class-attribute instance-attribute

summary: str = ''

A summary for the distribution [Metadata]

task_runners class-attribute instance-attribute

task_runners: list[Any] = field(default_factory=list)

Task runners used by the distribution.

tool_section class-attribute instance-attribute

tool_section: SuperDict[Any] = field(default_factory=SuperDict)

The tool section of the pyproject file.

Comes as a SuperDict. (A Mutable mapping with extended capabilities) [pyproject]

tools class-attribute instance-attribute

tools: list[Tool] = field(default_factory=list)

A list of tools found for the distribution.

urls class-attribute instance-attribute

urls: Mapping[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)

A set of URLs related to the distribution.

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version: str = ''

The version of the distribution [Metadata]


    module: ModuleType | None = None,
    griffe_module: Module | Alias | None = None,
    docstring_style: str | None = None,
    distribution_name: str = "",
    version: str = "",
    summary: str = "",
    description: str = "",
    author_name: str = "",
    author_email: str = "",
    authors: dict[str, str] = dict(),
    classifiers: list[str] = list(),
    classifier_map: dict[str, list[str]] = dict(),
    keywords: list[str] = list(),
    required_python_version: str | None = "",
    required_package_names: list[str] = list(),
    required_packages: dict[PackageInfo, Dependency] = dict(),
    extras: dict[str, PackageExtra] = dict(),
    urls: Mapping[str, str] = dict(),
    homepage: str = "",
    license_name: str | None = "",
    license_text: str | None = "",
    pretty_name: str = "",
    repository_url: str = "",
    repository_username: str = "",
    repository_name: str = "",
    repository_path: Path = Path(),
    mkdocs_config: MkDocsConfigFile | None = None,
    pyproject_file: PyProject = PyProject(),
    tools: list[Tool] = list(),
    task_runners: list[Any] = list(),
    social_info: list[dict[str, str]] = list(),
    inventory_url: str | None = "",
    entry_points: ModuleEntryPointRegistry = ModuleEntryPointRegistry(),
    cli: str | None = None,
    cli_info: CommandInfo | None = None,
    build_system: BuildSystem = lambda: hatch(),
    configured_build_systems: list[Any] = list(),
    tool_section: SuperDict[Any] = SuperDict(),
    line_length: int | None = None,
    commit_types: list[CommitTypeStr] = list(),
    package_repos: list[InstallMethod] = list(),
) -> None


Page info
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template: SUMMARY.html
title: PackageContext