About-the-project nodes
Node | Docstrings | Markdown extensions |
MkChangelog | Node for a git-based changelog (created by git-changelog). !!! note For building a changelog with Github Actions, the actions/checkout@v4 action needs to have fetch-depth set to 0 (or some other value.) |
MkCodeOfConduct | Node for a code of conduct section. | |
MkLicense | Node to show a license. If not explicitely set, the license will be pulled from the project. |
MkDependencyTable | Node for a table showing dependencies for a package. | tables |
MkInstallGuide | Node to display an install guide. | |
MkCommitConventions | Text node containing Commit message conventions. | |
MkPullRequestGuidelines | Node showing pull request guidelines. | |
MkDevEnvSetup | Text node containing Instructions to set up a dev environment. | |
MkDevTools | Node showing information about used dev tools. | |
MkShields | Container for Shields.io / GitHub badges. | |
MkMetadataBadges | Container node for a list of metadata badges. Badges are generated locally using "anybadge" package |
:mdi-dependency: MkPipDepTree | Node to display a mermaid diagram for the dependencies. | pymdownx.superfences |
MkPyDeps | Node for showing a Dependency graph. |
Page info
Code for this section
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