Base nodes
Node | Docstrings | Markdown extensions |
MkNode | Base class for everything which can be expressed as Markup. The class inherits from Node. The idea is that starting from the root nav (aka Docs) down to nested Markup blocks, the whole project can be represented by one tree. MkNode is the base class for all nodes. We dont instanciate it directly. All subclasses carry an MkAnnotations node (except the MkAnnotations node itself) They can also pass an indent as well as a shift_header_levels keyword argumentin order to modify the resulting markdown. |
MkText | Class for any Markup text. All classes inheriting from MkNode can get converted to this Type. |
MkHeader | Super simple header node. | |
MkCompactAdmonition | Compact admonition info box. | |
MkCritic | MkCritic block. | pymdownx.critic |
MkLink | A simple Link (with optional icon and option to show up as a button). If no title is given, the URL is used as a title. |
MkKeys | Node to display Keyboard keys. Mostly used to explain shortcuts / commands for the keyboard. |
pymdownx.keys |
MkProgressBar | Node to display a CSS-based progress bar. | pymdownx.progressbar |
MkSpeechBubble | Node for showing a css-based speech bubble. | |
MkTemplate | Node representing a jinja template. Renders templates with the context-aware MkNodes jinja environment. Rendered nodes become virtual children of this node. Additional variables can be passed to the render process. |
MkLlm | Node for LLM-based text generation. |
Page info
Code for this section
markdown_extensions={'attr_list': {},
'md_in_html': {},
'pymdownx.emoji': {'emoji_generator': <function to_svg at 0x7f86bc0ecc20>,
'emoji_index': <function twemoji at 0x7f86bc0ecae0>},
'pymdownx.magiclink': {'repo': 'mknodes',
'repo_url_shorthand': True,
'user': 'phil65'},
'tables': {}},