Container nodes
Node | Docstrings | Markdown extensions |
MkBlockQuote | BlockQuote node. | |
MkAdmonition | Admonition info box. | admonition , pymdownx.details , pymdownx.superfences |
MkContainer | A node containing other MkNodes. This node class is often used as a base class, and can be treated like a list. Nodes added to a container are automatically re-parented. |
MkCode | Class representing a Code block. | pymdownx.highlight , pymdownx.superfences |
MkList | Node for showing a formatted list. | def_list |
MkTable | Class representing a formatted table. | tables |
MkHtmlTable | Class representing a html table. Compared to MkTable, this will end up with a more verbose output, but it can contain more complex Markdown in cells. |
MkDefinitionList | Node for definition lists. | def_list |
MkDetailsBlock | Pymdownx-based details box. | pymdownx.blocks.details |
MkHtmlBlock | PyMdown-based Html block. Can be used to show raw content. | pymdownx.blocks.html |
MkTabbedBlocks | PyMdown Block Extension Tab. | |
MkTabbed | PyMdown-based Tab container. | pymdownx.tabbed , pymdownx.superfences |
MkAnnotations | Node containing a list of MkAnnotations. | pymdownx.superfences |
MkFootNotes | Node containing a list of MkFootNotes. | footnotes |
MkShowcase | Node for showing a html-based image grid. Manages row / column positioning. Mainly intended for MkCards, but can also include other markdown (there are limits though.) When adding MkCards, then addtional CSS is required. |
MkTaskList | Node for task lists. | pymdownx.tasklist |
Page info
Code for this section
markdown_extensions={'attr_list': {},
'md_in_html': {},
'pymdownx.emoji': {'emoji_generator': <function to_svg at 0x7f11970f4cc0>,
'emoji_index': <function twemoji at 0x7f11970f4b80>},
'pymdownx.magiclink': {'repo': 'mknodes',
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'user': 'phil65'},
'tables': {}},