Documentation nodes
Node | Docstrings | Markdown extensions |
MkClassDiagram | Node to display the class hierarchy of a class. Supports multiple modes. | pymdownx.superfences |
MkDocStrings | Docstring section (powered by mkdocstrings). | |
MkCommentedCode | Node which displays a list of code / comment blocks for given code. Lines beginning with # are shown in dedicated blocks and can be used to inline-explain the code. Lines can be hidden by ending a line with "##". |
MkConfigSetting | Node for describing a config setting. | |
MkClassTable | Node for a table showing info for a list of classes. | tables |
MkModuleTable | Node for a table containing formatted information about a module. | tables |
MkPluginFlow | Node showing info about the different stages of an MkDocs plugin. | |
MkCliDoc | Node for showing documentation for click / typer CLI apps. |
Page info
Code for this section
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