Presentation nodes
Node | Docstrings | Markdown extensions |
MkTreeView | Node to display tree structures. Currently supports directories and Node subclasses (including MkNodes ). |
pymdownx.highlight , pymdownx.superfences |
MkReprRawRendered | Node showing a tabbed block to visualize a node in different representations. It contains a tab for the repr, one for the rendered output, one for the markdown and a Repr tree in case the node has children. The node can also be a string with a jinja macro returning an MkNode. In that case a "Jinja" tab containing the macro is prepended to the other tabs. |
MkDiagram | Class representing a mermaid diagram. MkDiagrams can show directed acyclic graphs and allows to manually create diagrams. |
pymdownx.superfences |
MkTimeline | Node to show a JavaScript-supported Timeline. Consists of cards which slide in and out once they enter / leave the screen. |
Page info
Code for this section
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